Annee de Mamiel is one of the world's best natural health experts - holistic healing runs through her veins. Once a top triathlete in her native Australia, Annee forged a career in finance and pharmaceuticals before her talent and aptitude for natural healing was unlocked after a period of illness. She's now fit, healthy and thriving, as is her de Mamiel brand. I find out how she discovered her talent for alternative therapy and ran with it.
We wanted to find out more about the incredible lady behind the most beautiful aromatherapy skincare brand…
Through first-hand experience I really felt the incredible benefits of them, I was able to watch myself heal and grow.
I guess it was that things kept finding me. I almost feel like my path kept presenting itself, and then I just loved what I was doing and saw some incredible results and people just keep coming back which I believe is the real result.
When I was in China doing my internship, I was able to witness the real power of acupuncture and Chinese medicine, as the doctors switched between Eastern and Western medicine and used what they thought would truly work in each individual case. The results, especially for things like stroke and facial paralysis patients were incredible.
Because the way I treat is so unique and the products I choose, starting de Mamiel was a way to get what I am doing out to more people. Hopefully encouraging mindfulness in your beauty routine introduces the benefits of what can become a bigger part of people's life. My treatment clients kept wanting to give what they were using to their friends and in the end, because of their belief, I felt the time was right. I have several mentors which is a real blessing - people I can just talk things through with and bounce ideas off to help me make sense of things!
It was one of those products created out of necessity. My husband and I were flying so much and I was always coming off the plane and into a hotel room with a head feeling like mashed potato and a cough. I would always have lavender with me but felt I needed something stronger to really protect me so after researching the science behind the antibacterial qualities I came up with the blend. I really have to thank Julia Stringer from Shen Beauty in New York who encouraged me to sell it because after making some for her she couldn't stop talking about what a difference it made and how much easier it made a flight.
I think it comes down to looking at the whole picture. Each treatment is totally unique as it is always given at a different time of year, there are different things going on in the client's life which make them look and feel differently about themselves, so I take all of these things into consideration as well as our long term wellness goal that we are working towards.
The true essence of what I do comes down to stress and how that ages us, and how we embody that stress, so it's more than what happens on that day or in that treatment - it's a commitment to our wellness.
Knowing that I have helped to make a real difference in people's lives and working together to achieve that difference.
In running a business when there is only you, it's the urgency of getting things done… From the making and blending of products and treating as well as the pure business side of things - when every little bit needs something done yesterday!
Breathe. Just becoming aware of the change that this creates within us and how we respond to situations! Take small steps often - make a plan that is doable and constantly check in to make sure that you're getting what you need out of life.
Find your dream, your belief, and follow it. Don't give up as there is always a way.
I have a routine and really try to follow it. I have a clean diet, I meditate and do yoga as well. Whenever we can get out onto the water, I love paddle-boarding, sailing or kitesurfing. Mostly embracing simplicity on a daily basis!
My beauty routine begins with my life, breathing, eating and meditating. But from the outside perspective, I really try to keep it simple - I cleanse, massage and use lots of essential oils because they balance me from the inside as well too. Sunscreen is essential too!
We thank Annee for her incredible products that she has created with the attention to detail of the finest oils, sourced ethically with a care for nature, the soil and our skin. Using her products is a delight to the senses and helps to create balance and cleanse the stresses of the day away, get the perfect nights sleep and awake refreshed and ready to face the world.
Kylie Williams is a Co-Director of Therapy Organics, and also a Bowen Technique Therapist. She is passionate about natural medicine to optimise health.
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