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People often experience indigestion after eating large meals. However, several other factors can lead you to develop symptoms of indigestion. There are many possible causes for indigestion, many cases can be helped by nutritional therapy

What is indigestion and what causes it?

Indigestion is given collectively to a number of digestive symptoms, including a feeling of expansion or discomfort in the upper abdomen, heartburn, and nausea. The medical term for indigestion is dyspepsia.

People often experience indigestion after eating large meals. However, several other factors can lead you to develop symptoms of indigestion.

Possible causes of indigestion:

Lifestyle: Lying down too soon after eating can make it harder to digest food. This increases your risk of abdominal discomfort.

Other lifestyle risks:

Medication: Indigestion can be a side effect of taking specific medications, such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

Medical conditions:

The following medical conditions may be associated with Several medical conditions can also indigestion:

Nutritional Therapy may be beneficial to highlight and exclude, and where necessary replace certain food groups to alleviate symptoms. In our Nutritional Therapy consultations, we include a full medical history and review to understand the underlying issues which may be causing symptoms.

Quick tips for indigestion

Eat smaller, more frequent meals

Chew thoroughly and don’t eat too quickly

Raise 1 end of your bed 10 to 20cm by putting something under your bed or mattress – your chest and head should be above the level of your waist, so stomach acid does not travel up towards your throat

Keep weight stable

Try to find ways of releasing stress and anxiety

Avoid large, heavy meals in the evening

Wait a few hours after eating, before going to bed

Cut back on alcohol

The trigger-food diet:

The trigger-food diet involves eliminating common trigger foods, such as coffee and chocolate, to alleviate symptoms. These methods have little clinical backing and results vary between individuals.

Supplement for indigestion

Betaine HCl with Pepsin:

This supplemental approach addresses the lack of stomach acid which is said to cause acid reflux in many cases. One study in 6 people with low levels of stomach acid showed that taking 1500 mg of betaine HCl increased stomach acidity [i].

B Vitamins:

B Vitamins, including folate, riboflavin, and vitamin B6, may help acid reflux. B vitamins may be linked to a lower risk of complications caused by acid reflux. They may also relieve heartburn symptoms when paired with other compounds, but more research is needed [ii].

Also eating foods high in calcium and B vitamins to help reduce reflux symptoms. These foods include almonds, whole grains, beans, spinach and kale.


Probiotics play a key role in gut health and immune function. Probiotic use can be beneficial for GERD symptoms, such as regurgitation and heartburn [iii]. YourGut Restore


Ginger is often used to soothe stomach upset and treat issues like nausea and indigestion[iv]. In studies, ginger was seen to improve several symptoms of indigestion, including stomach pain, burping and feelings of fullness[v].

Testing options for indigestion

It may be pertinent to test for an infection known as H. Pylori if symptoms persist, as symptoms of reflux can cross over with those of H. Pylori. It is recommended you speak to your GP if this is a concern for you. Testing for H. Pylori is as follows:

  1. A urea breath test – you'll be given a drink containing urea (a chemical that's broken down by H. pylori) and your breath is then checked after.
  2. A stool antigen test – a small stool sample is tested for the bacteria.
  3. A blood test – a sample of your blood is tested for antibodies to the H.

If your indigestion symptoms are serious and constant, or you relate to any other following please contact your doctor immediately:

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Please note that the information contained within this website does not and should not replace medical advice, and is not intended to treat or diagnose. We always recommend you consult with your doctor. Our Nutritional Therapy team is highly trained and we offer one to one Nutritional Therapy Consultations, which are designed to be complementary to any medical treatment from a functional medicine approach, as well as offering a preventative & optimal health focus.