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Sun Chlorella

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Sun Chorella is the ultimate in greens! A real whole food algae meaning you get the complete nutritional profile and one of the few vegetarian sources of B12 and vitamin D. Sun Chlorella is different to other chlorella in that the company use a patented process to break the cell wall whilst retaining the nutritional content. This is instead of using heat, enzymes, or chemicals to crack the cell wall.

A rich source of chlorophyll, this sunshine vitamin supports healthy immune function, digestive health and beauty from within. The perfect addition to a green juice for a complete multi-vitamin and mineral boost!

Not all Chlorella is made the same

Chlorella has been here for billions of years, long before humans figured out how to process it and use it for good health, long before manufacturers like us and long before retail stores. Its core health benefits are simply put "Timeless" – ultimately something that no company can lay exclusive claim to.

But how it's grown and processed can make the difference in how much of its green goodness you can tap into. And this is why Sun Chlorella is so exceptional.

Chlorella Comparison #1: The Pyrenoidosa Difference

There are several species of chlorella. Chlorella vulgaris and chlorella pyrenoidosa are the most studied. They both give you excellent nutrition. However research comparing the two different species indicates that chlorella pyrenoidosa has higher concentration of some vitamins and amino acids, like choline. Chlorella pyrenoidosa also has a higher concentration of the unique chlorella growth factor (CGF). Many health experts from the late Bernard Jensen to Dr. Mark Drucker consider CGF to be the most phenomenal aspect of chlorella. It provides powerful support for tissue renewal and immune health.

Chlorella Comparison #2: The Cultivation Difference

Only Sun Chlorella contains 95% – 99% pulverised chlorella, thanks to the exclusive process utilising DYNO®-Mill technology.

In order to ensure cultivation purity, some manufacturers only grow chlorella in indoor tanks. However, while it's easier to maintain a consistent cultivation this way, you lose out on one of the most significant factors when it comes to chlorella's nutritional potency… Sunlight. Chlorella's most significant nutritional attribute, CGF is produced during intense photosynthesis. By cultivating chlorella outdoors, this ensures it gets all the sun it can get. And consequently, ensures a higher concentration of CGF.

Fed by pure mountain water, Sun Chlorella is cultivated in large outdoor ponds. And to ensure purity and maintain quality, these chlorella cultures are carefully monitored during cultivation and after harvest.

Chlorella Comparison #3: The DYNO-Mill Difference

Chlorella has outstanding nutrition. But if you can't break through it's tough cell wall, you can't get to it. A number of different methods have been developed for breaking up chlorella's cell wall. However, none of them compare with the thoroughness of the DYNO-Mill process.

And unlike the other chlorella milling processes, this proprietary method does not use heat, chemicals or enzymes – only simple pressure differences. DYNO-Mill processing allows you to access chlorella's nourishment in its purest and most nutritious form.

Therapy Approved - Sun Chlorella Products

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