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Growing Organically

Therapy Organics - Growing Organically

Organics and Organic Growing are at the heart of what we do at Therapy Organics. Let us tell you why...

Organic growing means many things to us.

First and foremost we’re all about natural health, and organically grown plants are present in many of our products. For health this means absolutely no chemicals or GM crops can be present, and this means there’s no toxicity risks. The body is constantly trying to cleanse itself through our elimination channels in order to stay healthy. Organic food supports this process rather than adding the extra burden of chemicals.

Healthy plants make healthy people.

Nutritional Therapy is powerful and the old phrase ‘you are what you eat’ is so true. We see this time and time again, food has the power to hinder or heal us. The nutrients in organic food can be vastly superior to in non organic foods. Not only that, the phytochemicals which really protect our cellular health are also increased. Food is powerful when grown right.

We Care About Our Environment.

Organic growing protects our soils for the generations to come. This is critical right now. We need to not only protect, but also increase the nutrients in the soil. These nutrients are passed to the plants but only if the soil is alive with micro-organisms (which chemical fertilisers and pesticides kill off - also affecting our own microbiome when ingested). Only organic growing promotes healthy soils for the future. The more organic farms there are the better for the environment. In the UK this is only approximately 1% of land, however in other countries it can account for 30% (eg. Germany and Austria).

Biodiversity is also increased in organic growing as the insects can also live happily in the soil, which feed the birds and so on. Our wildlife benefit and thrive with organic growing.

Food Sovereignty.

Once upon a time (and not so long ago in the grand scheme of life) we didn’t need to differentiate between organic and chemical farming, organic was the only way…the natural way. Our food supplies are at risk of becoming commercially owned commodities with health risks to consumers if we don’t protect them (The Precision Breeding Act entered law in 2023 in England). Farmers are currently under threat for multiple reasons and we risk losing our precious farmland. `Profit should never come before people, however we’re in a time where this is often the case.

We Scrutinise Ingredients

At Therapy Organics we consider the ingredients in each and everyone of our products, whether that’s supplements and also skincare. We try to buy organic wherever we can. (And also biodynamic… hello next level!)

IMG 2785 - Therapy Organics - Retail & Complimentary

Photo of window art at Unicorn Grocers, Chorlton.

We work to improve the health of our customers, and at the same time look after our environment.

So it's of huge importance to us to ensure we've access to ingredients of the highest quality, nutrient value and energy, whilst at the same time looking after and improving our environment and ensuring farmers are fairly paid.

So to protect our food sovereignty, our soils and our amazing farmers we’d like to let you know what you can do to support Organic Growing near you. Click here to understand more about organic growing and soil health.

    How You Can Grow Organically Too

    Transition Wilmslow

      Our local sustainability group, Transition Wilmslow already have 3 gardens that you can visit and learn how to grow. Offer to volunteer and you’ll get free gardening advice, have fun and become part of your local community.

      You can also support them by buying their food at Oakenclough during their opening times. Please support them as they have a vision to grow more and more food and maybe provide us with a much bigger organic market garden.

      Click here for more information.

      Also watch this space, we plan to hold events with Transition Wilmslow in the near future.

      Buy Organic, British & Local


        Groobarbs: are our local chemical free farmers, offering weekly box deliveries in the area.

        Riverford Organics are a national organic growing and box delivery company, owned by the growers themselves.

        For organic meat delivered from the farm check out and also

        In Person Shopping:

        Unicorn Grocery is a co-operative supermarket selling vegan and plant based food, all grown to organic standards by local farmers. They sell fruit, veg, bread, ready made salads, household provisions and much more. Based in Chorlton near Manchester Unicorn is well worth a visit or two...

        Platt Fields Market Garden is a wonderful Community Supported Agriculture scheme with a market garden. They also hold events and have a cafe!

        Abbey Leys Community Farmers Market, High Legh. Selling all meats, fruit, veg, bread, provisions and crafts. 1st Sunday of each month.

        Further Afield?

        Have a look on the ‘Farm Retail Association’ website to see where your nearest farmers market is

        Grow Your Own

        Learn to grow your own. If local and you need advice pop down to volunteer at one of Transition Wilmslows gardens. Other fantastic sources of information include:

        Grow Your Own:

        Visit The Soil Association website for advice:

        or PFFA

        Consider joining ‘My Little Farm’

        A not for profit members smallholding organisation, to enable each and every one of us to enjoy the benefits of a smallholding without the responsibility. Their mission is to grow enough food to achieve food sovereignty in the UK.

        Rent a garden or plot

        look at

        Lets get growing to build up our soils for now and for future generations. Not just for food, but for heathy people and a healthy planet.

        PS. If you or someone you know has land to rent out or use for community work and would like to support food sovereignty, please get in touch.

        Our Organic Champs

        At Therapy Organics we champion Organic; lifestyles, wellbeing, supplements and skincare… We refuse to stock any products with binders and fillers, and favour organic as much as we can. Here’s some of our stand out product picks:


        Abloom - an organic alchemy of adaptogenic herbal ingredients. Your skin drinks this in.

        Organic Pharmacy - natures naturopathic genius transformed into gorgeous skincare

        Aeos - takes holistic to the next level, using biodynamically grown ingredients. Wholly in tune with both your skins natural rhythms and those of nature.

        Dr Hauschka - the original medicinal skincare company, most ingredients are grown on their own biodynamic farm.


        Viridian - champions of clean supplements with absolutely no artificial fillers. Organic where possible.

        Terranova: Use ‘magnifood formulations’ in their supplements which are comprised of organic or wildcrafted foods and herbs.

        Myconutri - medicinal mushrooms. We select organic for our store to avoid high concentrations of chemicals

        Planet Paleo - protein, collagen and bone broths, organically sourced.


        Aqua Oleum & NHR- our essential oil ranges are both organically sourced. Of particular importance for concentrates such as these.

        Skär Organics: Skär Organics is the UK’s first and only certified organic candle manufacturer. Certified by the Soil Association, Skär Organics collection includes a range of organic beeswax candles and aromatherapy candles. Every ingredient, including their cotton wicks, is certified organic. Their beeswax, sourced from European apiaries, requires a 6km diameter around the hive where no motorways, waste sites or pesticides are used.

        Skär Organics - Organic Beeswax Candles

        Organic Beeswax Candles by Skär Organics

        About the Author

        Kylie Williams is a Co-Director of Therapy Organics, and also a Bowen Technique Therapist. She is passionate about natural medicine to optimise health.

        See more Articles by Kylie

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